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Got a project?

Submit & edit your project

Have a blockchain project you're passionate about and would like to find contributors?

We offer a straightforward process for getting your project in front of a strong community of developers. In this post, we'll walk you through the submission process and how to keep your project details up to date.

Submitting your project
If you haven't yet signed up, you can do so by going through the process detailed over here.

You will equally be asked to grant us GitHub authorisations. Please read over here why we ask that of you.

Once you have created an account and connected yourself with GitHub, you can then submit an open-source project that you manage. Make sure that the repo is public, visible and that you are admin of the GitHub organisation.

Then go through the following steps to add your project. First, add in your organisation that is concerned and then click on the repos you'd like to have on the platform.

Once that is done, you can fill out more info of your project just like below.

Then you can publish it and it's done!

Editing your project
Once your project is live, editing is easy-peasy. Go to your project page and select the "edit project" tab on the right side of your screen. Here, you can:

  • Update the project's name and description.
  • Add visuals and a "more info" section.
  • Include contact methods, like Telegram or Discord groups, and other resources.
  • Indicate if you're looking for contributors and select project leads to help manage your project.

The more info, the better
Keeping your project information current and comprehensive is important. It not only helps attract the right contributors but also ensures your project stands out and makes it easier for contributors to reach out to you.

Have budget?
Please contact the team ( to help put your budget in the project so that you can continue rewarding your contributors for eligible contributions.

Already signed up on OnlyDust and don't know how to add a project or add another project?

Simply head onto, click on the "projects" tab on the top left, which will take you to the project page. Here, on the left hand side you will see a button that will allow you to create a project.

Then follow the same onboarding path as above.