Project Management Improvements for Maintainers
— OnlyDust
Contributions Kanban View
Utilize the contributions Kanban view for improved visualization and project management. Get a clear overview of PRs that need assignment, those awaiting review, and completed tasks.

Public Profile Side Panel
Get an onverview of your contributors' public profile directly from your Admin interface.

Issue Creation Improvement
Create an issue in one click from the kanban, with automatic redirection to the repository.

Issue Assignment Improvement
Experience a redesigned interface that simplifies assigning issues to contributors.

Access Full Contributor List
Access the complete list of your contributors and track KPIs such as programming languages and received rewards. Add labels as needed.

Reward Process Improvement
Reward contributors more easily and efficiently, directly from an issue or a PR.

You can also reward contributors in bulk!

Budget Overview for Maintainers
Easily monitor your available budget and rewards to contributors. You can also visualize this data in a chart format over time.

Rewards Distributed to Contributors Overview
Monitor all your past rewards distributed to contributors. Filter the data as needed and export it as a CSV.